Home > bowel movements

Days 12-14 Cyndi’s Nirahara Samyama Diary: The Sacred Banyan Tree

Swami Nithyananda gives a breathing exercise for the Nirahara's to "live off of" the elevated energies of his ashram with a focus on being the sacred Banyan Tree which is considered to be the guiding spirit of the ashram. The instructions for the Nirahara Samyama Kriya for levels 1,2 and 3

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Day 6 Cyndi’s Nirahara Samyama Diary: Haritaki Cramps!

Ah, the wonders of Haritaki powder! Haritaki powder is the powder of a fruit, also known as Kadukaai. It is a master herb in Ayurvedic healing and part of a common formula, Triphala (three fruits) which is most known for it's gentle bowel cleaning support and tissue rejuvenation.Swami Nithyananda recommends

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